Thursday, February 2, 2012

It’s OK to Pray for Peace, But is it OK to Protest War?

Why do people protest war? I mean, I understand why we pray for peace, but it's a complete waste of time to protest war because war is unavoidable. It's in man's nature to fight and thus start wars. And we've been at it since the very start of our existence. In fact, those that protest wars will support wars if they believe in the goal of whatever war we happen to be fighting. And although we really want peace, we are the first ones to start wars.

Now, I want peace, but I recognize that peace has one distinct disadvantage. If you have peace long enough, say for 100 years, you start to get complacent. You get used to it. You get comfortable. You expect it and you begin to feel as though it’ll always exist for you and your people.  And what, you might ask, is so wrong with that? Just this. You essentially start to let your guard down. It's a funny thing but in order to have peace, you need to be perceived to be strong. Other countries need to fear you. And it helps if in fact we are strong. The enemy must know that if they fight against us, they're going to get hurt and it's going to be painful. That understanding keeps the peace much more effectively than any protest, or any peace talk, can ever do. That's because people, and countries understand and respect strength. They know not to mess with it.

War also keeps your army much more prepared. Armies fight better if we have recent war experience. When war happens, armies get tuned up, and soldiers get good at it. Imagine if we suddenly get into a major war after 250 years of peace. Every war hardened soldier that we could have relied on to train and lead our young men and women has passed on and what were left with is essentially an inexperienced force. But that doesn’t hold for the enemy. While we were at peace, probably due to our strength, the enemy was at war with other countries, and they’re now battle hardened. And we’re not. A big advantage for them.

Now, if I were the enemy, and I knew that the citizens of my enemy (that being us) were protesting the war, I would try to use that to my advantage. I would send agents to infiltrate the protest movement so I could stir things up some more. I would also try to push my agenda and try to gain some converts. It’s surprising how dependable your enemy’s unhappy citizens can be. I, as America’s enemy could never trust them, or respect them, but they would be useful to me. There’s nothing like a wide-eyed idealistic idiot can be for making trouble on your behalf.

The fact is that there are just some really bad people in the world. People who want to cause trouble and hurt others. These are the evil among us. They’re all around the world. People are basically good and honest. But some people are evil. Painting rosy pictures of love and peace is fine but essentially useless. There are many “Hitler” and “Karl Marx” types among us just waiting for their turn at creating a new world based on their ideas. And they’re looking for opportunities to start wars. And try as you might, you cannot negotiate peace with them because usually peace does not work out to their advantage and does not help them to obtain their goals.

So pray for peace. Pray for world peace because that’s what we should have. But also pray for the enemy, that they see the world as we see it. That they see that a peaceful world, and a free world because it is a better world where freedom is guaranteed.

Just don’t hold your breath. And get ready to be disappointed.

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